What is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management?

Your ERP system for dedicated process planning along the entire supply and value chain

รœberblick der wichtigsten Features

ERP system for large companies and SMEs

Together with Finance, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is Microsoft's ERP system for large and medium-sized companies. In addition to focussing on warehouse management, supply chain and production, the ERP system also includes the service management and quality assurance modules.

How you can benefit from Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

[Translate to English:] Sie automatisieren Lagerablรคufe und sparen Zeit
You automate warehouse processes and save time
  • They automate all processes such as material handling, labour scheduling and inventory flow.
  • Configurable dashboards, a mobile app and real-time views ensure that everything runs smoothly.
[Translate to English:] Sie steigern die Effizienz Ihrer Produktivitรคt
You increase the efficiency of your productivity
  • You manage notifications from your machines via the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • In this way, you receive important sensor data such as quality, delays or downtimes and can react proactively. 
[Translate to English:] Sie maximieren Produktionszeit durch proaktive Wartung
You maximise production time through proactive maintenance
  • With SCM, you can create an intelligent, digital supply chain and recognise and even predict disruptions at an early stage.
  • Real-time data in the ERP helps operating and maintenance personnel to prevent downtimes and cost-intensive machine failures.

What can Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management do?

Highlights and functions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management at a glance

Optimise planning, production, stock, warehouse and transport for maximum operational efficiency

  • Centralised management of product information: For all locations, for all branches and production plants - worldwide
  • Simple configure-to-order process: Platform for customers and engineers for effective collaboration in the production process
  • AI-supported demand forecasts: For optimised sales planning and on-time delivery
  • Intelligent production and sales planning: replenishment of items with high demand is automatically prioritised. This is based on data from order priorities, forecasts and stock levels.
  • Intelligent resource planning: Improved plant utilisation through intelligent production planning and resource allocation
  • Real-time inventory transparency: For rationalising production and processing with the aim of improving accuracy and reducing overstocks / stock-outs
  • Real-time production view of all production sites: to improve throughput, quality and uptime
  • Real-time cost and benefit analyses: Through the global management of cost ledgers
  • Integrated warehouse management: Allows you to optimise and automate key processes such as material handling, staff scheduling and inventory flow
  • Interactive holographic user guidance: Improves safety, increases efficiency and reduces errors in the workplace

Modules and functional areas

[Translate to English:] รœberblick Lagerverwaltung
Warehouse management
  • Avoid overstocking & vacancies
  • AI-supported inventory management
  • Machine learning
  • Increased efficiency
[Translate to English:] รœberblick Lieferkette
Supply chain
  • Predictive analytics
  • Fast product provision
  • Simple automation
  • Optimised workflows
[Translate to English:] รœberblick Fertigung
  • Simple automation
  • Low downtimes thanks to AI
  • Planning Optimisation
  • Real-time preview
[Translate to English:] รœberblick Service
  • Low system wear and tear
  • IoT & mixed reality
  • Simple system management
  • Maintenance planning
[Translate to English:] รœberblick Qualitรคtssicherung
Quality assurance
  • Simple problem identification
  • Low downtimes
  • Quality products
  • Problem prediction through AI

Advantages of the cloud, AI and much more

As a central application from Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management allows you to enjoy all the benefits of the entire Microsoft ecosystem for business applications.


These are, to name just the most important ones:

  • Connection of ERP, CRM, BI and artificial intelligence  
  • All services from the cloud - or on-premise or as a hybrid solution if desired
  • D365 One-Version concept with automatic updates instead of versioning
  • Valuable network through which proven partner solutions are available at all times
  • Complete integration in Outlook, Word, Excel and co.
  • Scalable and flexible ERP solution that grows with you
  • Dynamics 365 has already integrated as standard what many ERP systems solve via additional modules 


Read more about the benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365, of which Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is a central component, here: Everything on board: The advantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365

Why Inway as a partner for Dynamics 365 Finance?

  • Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is our core competence.
  • With locations in Neu-Ulm, Chemnitz, Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne, we are very close to our customers when it comes to our projects.
  • As a Microsoft Solution Partner Business Applications, we are one of the best Microsoft Dynamics providers and stand for experience and expertise. We are also a TOP Consultant!
  • Our references speak for themselves - including projects in which we have helped companies to achieve a functioning ERP system simply by helping them to help themselves. For example, the start-up Avantyard.
  • We offer comprehensive services such as free initial consultations, workshops, training courses, informative blog posts, webinars and much more:
  • In addition, we also offer sophisticated and successful add-ons for your Microsoft Dynamics, such as DMS connectors as a useful addition to your business solutions


Leader among the leaders: Market leader in the ERP segment at Nucleus Research

Microsoft is the leading provider in the 2021 edition of Nucleus Research's annual ERP Technology Value Matrix. With its ERP solutions - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - Microsoft achieved the best scores of all participating providers and can therefore call itself the โ€˜Leader among the Leadersโ€™ this year.

All providers are tested and evaluated in detail with regard to functionality and usability. The results are then divided into 4 categories.


In addition, Microsoft's ERP systems were named as a leading provider in the Gartnerยฎ Magic Quadrantโ„ข for Cloud ERP for Product-Centric Enterprises in August 2021 and are in the Leaders quadrant. 

What does Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management cost?

1. Basic Licence

The prices per user if Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is the main licence.

235,92 โ‚ฌ p. m.
Monthly cloud subscription
  • For the cloud version of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, you take out a subscription at a cost of โ‚ฌ 235,92 per month.
  • The subscription can be cancelled monthly.
196,60 โ‚ฌ p. m.
Annual cloud subscription
  • For the cloud version of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, you take out a subscription at a cost of โ‚ฌ 196,60 per month.
  • The subscription can be cancelled annually.
2359,20 โ‚ฌ
Annual cloud subscription
  • For the cloud version of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, you can alternatively take out a subscription with costs of โ‚ฌ 2359,20 per year.
  • The subscription can be cancelled annually.

2. Additional Licence

The prices per user if Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is the additional licence (Attach Licence).  

33,72 โ‚ฌ p. m.
Monthly cloud subscription
  • For the cloud version of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, you take out a subscription at a cost of โ‚ฌ33.72 per month.
  • The subscription can be cancelled monthly.
28,10 โ‚ฌ p. m.
Annual cloud subscription
  • For the cloud version of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, you take out a subscription at a cost of โ‚ฌ28.10 per month.
  • The subscription can be cancelled annually.
337,20 โ‚ฌ
Annual cloud subscription
  • Alternatively, you can take out a subscription for the cloud version of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management at a cost of โ‚ฌ337.20 per year.
  • The subscription can be cancelled annually.

Our tip: The licence is 20% cheaper with an annual subscription - regardless of whether you pay monthly or annually!

Overall, however, there is so much worth knowing about the pricing model that we have described this topic in a separate blog post.


In addition to the prices for the full version, there are also cheaper licence options with the Activity User, the Device User and the Team Member


You are also welcome to use the contact form below for price enquiries. We will be happy to help you.  

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